Senior Care

Supporting your faithful companion's health and comfort throughout their golden years.

Gray hairs in your pet’s coat could be a sign that it’s time to make changes to the type of care you provide them. As your pet gets up in age, you’ll need to make adjustments to ensure all their needs are met. Some furry friends even develop more health complications, which means you’ll need to provide care specific to certain health issues.

Why does my pet need more frequent veterinary visits?

As pets age, their immune system slows down, making them more susceptible to a range of health issues. We typically recommend more frequent visits than the usual annual checkup you’re used to. Ideally, we like to see your pet at least twice a year for a wellness exam. During the wellness exam, we’ll examine their physical health, perform dental care, run diagnostic tests like bloodwork and make suggestions about ways you can support their overall wellbeing.

Are my pet’s changes related to old age or something more?

The best way to determine this is for our veterinary team to assess your pet’s health. Generally, there are few changes that could seem startling at first. You probably won’t notice the signs of aging on a daily basis but over time the accumulation of these subtle changes will be more obvious. Pets also age at different rates depending on their breed, lifestyle and underlying health issues. Some pets can show signs of aging as early as their 6th birthday, whereas others take a little longer to reach their golden years. Things you can look out for include responding less when you call their name, hair loss, weight loss, graying coat and panting. If you have concerns about your aging pet, please contact us at 403-253-7044.

How can I cater to my senior pet’s needs?

Making minor adjustments to your daily interactions and the configuration of your home can make a massive difference for your senior pet. A few things you can do to make their lives easier include:

  • Removing their beds and food from hard to reach places
  • Installing mobility aids like steps around your home
  • Providing mentally stimulating activities
  • Spending more time indoors
  • Incorporating gentle physical activities like short walks into their routine
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