Nutrition Counselling

Tailored advice and support for improving a pet's overall health through proper nutrition.

Furry friends live longer and healthier than ever compared to other pets from the past. Nutrition counselling is one of the ways we help ensure your pet continues to live as long as possible. We provide nutritional advice to meet their dietary requirements based on their life stage and individual needs.

Can I feed puppies and kittens the same foods as older pets?

Puppies and kittens have special dietary needs that differ from older pets. They need vital nutrients to promote growth and development. Our veterinary team will help you choose the right foods to meet your pet’s needs. When determining which foods are the right fit, carefully examine the types and quality of ingredients as serving size. It can be easy to overfeed your pet but each pet food comes with specific information on the quality they should be given. We’ll also factor in your new pet’s breed and weight to determine a healthy weight for them as well as which foods will help them maintain this. To book your nutrition counselling appointment, please contact us at 403-253-7044.

How often should I feed my pet each day?

Your pet’s feeding schedule should be based on their individual needs, versus generic recommendations. Our veterinary team will take key metrics like their weight and factors like their activity level to determine their daily food intake. During your nutrition counselling appointment, it’s important to share any recent changes in your pet’s eating habits, activity levels or behaviour to help us track their development. It’s also a time to ask any questions about your pet’s eating habits or foods you typically purchase for them. Our goal is to help educate you on ways to take better care of your loyal companion.

Are there any foods I should avoid feeding them?

Though it can be tempting to feed your pet from your plate, many human foods can be harmful to your pet’s digestive system. Some foods you should stay away from include:

  • Raisins
  • Grapes
  • Chocolate
  • Milk
  • Onion
  • Garlic
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