Dental Care

Regular brushing and cleanings can help prevent gum disease. Contact us today.

Dental care is often overlooked as part of a pet’s daily health regimen. Your pet’s teeth and gums can give us insights into their overall health. Maintaining their oral health means supporting other critical internal systems like their gastrointestinal and immune health. If your pet is due for regular cleaning, please get in touch with us at 403-253-7044.

What are common issues you see in pets?

One of the most common dental issues in pets is periodontal disease. Periodontal (gum) disease affects your furry friend’s gums, often causing inflammation, swelling, pain and discomfort. In its later stages, the gum line recedes, causing loose teeth and damaging the bones in the tooth sockets. As plaque bacteria hardens into tartar, it deposits below the gum line and needs to be professionally removed before it causes irreparable damage. Our veterinary team uses a physical exam paired with dental X-rays to examine issues above and below the gum line.

How do I know if my pet has a toothache?

Pets tend to hide any symptoms of pain until it is unbearable. As their pet parent, it’s important to pay close attention to subtle changes that could indicate that they’re feeling unwell. Signs you can look out for include:

  • Bad breath
  • Drooling excessively
  • Avoiding meals
  • Pawling at their mouth
  • Avoiding physical touch

How do you clean their teeth?

First, we start with an oral exam to examine your pet’s mouth. We may follow up with digital X-rays, which help us determine a treatment plan if your pet needs additional dental care other than a cleaning. Your pet is put under general anesthesia while we remove any tartar buildup below the gum line and dead tissue. Typically, we recommend dental cleanings at the same time as your pet’s regular wellness check. In addition, routine home care, including daily brushing, ensures your pet maintains their pearly whites.

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